WOW!!! Their greed knows no bounds
Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
You can now get into debt using credit cards to donation to the JW's
by life is to short ini knew this was coming but to actually see it was another thing.. i am a huge dave ramsey follower where he hates debt and charging on credit cards.
he totally feels everyone should be out of debt and pay cash only.
that everyone needs to do plastic plastic surgery to cut up their credit cards.
Now that I am out, which bible should i read? Feeling free at last!
by Freethinking76 inso, now that i am out for good, which bible should i read?
there is no way i will read the wt i still want to have a relationship with god but don't know how to choose a bible.
it is very hard to dewired yourself and ,sometimes i feel that i don't have a relationship with him.the what ifs come and go still.last night i was up all night reading and researching , can't shake off the shock still to know ttatt.
Newly Enlightened
I got a layman's parallel bible from Amazon pretty cheap. I think it was only about $10. But I like that version because it has 4 different translations
I missed a lot of TV over the last 30 years
by sosoconfused insince i have stopped attending meetings i have realized that there are alot of good t.v.
shows that i have missed as well as channels that i would not watch because they would no doubt be in opposition to the scriptures(har har).. .
i have been watching the history channel and the discovery channel so much over the last few months that it is amazing.
Newly Enlightened
If you like sci-fi, best show ever! FARSCAPE but that is just my little humble opinion
Went to DC... wife had a moment of clarity
by leaving_quietly inso, off we went to the dc.
the public talk was "what is truth".
in it, the speaker said, "the truth can stand up to any scrutiny.
Newly Enlightened
EXACTLY Dewandelaar!!! If the truth would stand up and they don't fear those 'apostate' websites then why did an elder friend of ours hammer me for visiting Archeology magazine's website and learning about the 607 bce lie?????
They're liars!!!!
Food For Logical Thought...
by braincleaned insometimes we waste hours and hours debating a subject like the flood, and the impossible scientific and evolutionary consequences that it entails.
we go into great debates about how all of is is possible, what a "kind" means (species, obviously not)... etc.... but believers will not stop believing... so here is something even a child would think of more logically:if god is all powerful and love why would he have not just made the wicked drop dead, painlessly?
simply, humanly.
Newly Enlightened
We just came across this gem. Reason this one out. For those who believe that there was a flood and that Noah was a preacher of righteousness....
This is from a documentary we watched and a book we are reading....
When God talked to Noah and told him he was destroying the Earth, JUDGEMENT HAD ALREADY BEEN PASSED. Plus, he told Noah how big to build the ark. There was going to be no more people since even 10 more people would have thrown the size of the ark and food supply off. There was no salvation held out to anyone else.
Where else in the bible, except for 2 Pet 2:5, does it say Noah preached? Why would Noah waste time preaching if there wasn't going to be any more humans saved?
The Book of Enoch, which goes into great detail about the pre-flood era and does not mention him trying to save anyone. Even in Enoch's day there was already a Nephilim problem. I know WTBT$ says that the Nephilim were hybrids and unable to reproduce, but consider this, when the 10 spys crossed over into the land of Canaan, one of the spys remarked, "This land is full of giants, Sons of the Nephalim" So, the question is, What did they know about the Nephalim that they would even make such a comment?
So if they could reproduce, here's a crazy thought...What if the human race was being bred out of existence just like the Neanderthals? And Noah and his family were the last righteous and PURE humans left?
NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!
by Newly Enlightened inbrother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
Newly Enlightened
Grumblecakes: Yes, Jim's Viagra tie had little blue 'Viagra' words all over it and only pictures of little blue pills thank God.
"People often wonder if deaf people can drive, get married, or raise a family."
by cedars ini've personally never wondered that, but apparently some people do.... (see 00:40 in the video below).
Newly Enlightened
Thank you Shyla, it's nice to have a professional sign language interpreter to explain these things to us deaf impaired.
Is it common to,,,
by label licker inhave a local needs on apostasy, have everyone shun you, have no shepherding calls since you left for over a year, and now a jc tomorrow evening????????.
spoke to branch committee as well as co and they said to go and if we were treated unfairly then to call the co. don't get it.
the co would have known about the local needs talk on apostasy and says if we were treated unfairly to call him.
Newly Enlightened
It depends on if you are just trying to fade quietly, or you just don't care anymore. Record it somehow for Raypublisher/JJ at JWStruggle.
Walk in there with a s#!tload of watchtower literature, books, bibles and if they're on a 'witch hunt' then give it to them with both barrels. Do you have a 1969 Kingdom Interlinear? Romans 10:13 is a good one. It shut our elders up. Take control of the meeting, don't let them have the upper hand. We never brought up anything 'apostate'. We only used WT literature and the Kingdom Interlinear.
Our lawyer said that we are entitled to legal representation if this is a judicial committee and if not, they are violating our civil rights.
Hope this helps.
memorial attendance
by drawcad_1 ini just looked at the september issue of the km and they are proud to admit that the attendance in the united states for the memorial, on march 26, was 2,504,114 for 2013. that is about 2,000 more than last year.
looks like things are slowing down rapidly.
i know that there was not a big increase last year from the year before and it was speculated that it was becuase it was on a weekday.
Newly Enlightened
Thanks for the info.
How many millions of hours did JW's spend handing out Memorial invitations for just 2,000 people to show up?
by XPineProcessionary ini've been active on the jwr site for a few months now and thought i'd introduce myself here, as well.
long story short we served in ecuador and south korea, and in several "need greater" (vomit) places in the usa.
we got our necks cut off for putting ourselves out there, which was a good thing in the end, since it helped us to see that the gb is self-serving.
Newly Enlightened
Welcome Xpine! Glad to have you here with us. Those things you mentioned were some of the things that made Hubby [Brother of the Hawk] & I see also. The organization is nothing but a bunch of 'Company' men that are bullies. They protect whomever has the most to offer them and care nothing about justice.
Peace on your journey to your new life